Masters 25 Previews: Courser of Kruphix and Coalition Relic!

Courser of Kruphix. Swoon.
Courser of Kruphix is of efficient size for its casting cost.
2/4 for three mana is deceptively great in-context. Courser of Krupix is too big to kill with a lone Lightning Bolt. In this podcast, Mike shares a story of being forced to run his fellow enchantment creature Eidolon of the Great Revel into an opposing Courser of Kruphix and blowing a Bolt to finish it off. But resistance to opposing removal isn’t the only story told by this defining creature…
Courser of Kruphix is great with Bloodbraid Elf
First of all, Courser of Kruphix is the exact right casting cost to max out Bloodbraid Elf’s Cascade ability. When you flip a Noble Hierarch, you get two cards — essentially a Lotus Petal plus the Hierarch itself — but when you flip a Courser of Kruphix, that Lotus Petal is upgraded to a Black Lotus. So great!
But that’s not all… Courser of Krupix is good before Bloodbraid Elf, not just being flipped by Bloodbraid Elf. The ability to see the top card of your library can be useful when you play interactive cards. For example, Bloodbraid Elf decks often play cards like Path to Exile or Terminate. If the opponent doesn’t have a creature on the battlefield, flipping one of those with cascade will result in a wasted trigger. Courser of Kruphix can help you aim your cascades a little bit better.
Courser of Kruphix is and “Better than All”
As a three drop with solid toughness, Courser of Kruphix is an efficient pre-Jace, the Mind Sculptor play. It can defend Jace well on the turn you tap out for it. But that’s not all! Courser of Kruphix’s ability to see the top card of your library (and play lands from it) is delicious when combined with Jace’s Fateseal and Brainstorm abilities. You can fix your hand by putting a land on top with Jace, and then play it with Courser. Or you can dig deeper (with either) to get a fresh look (for either).
This card from Masters 25 will surely go up in popularity.

Also Revealed: Coalition Relic
Patrick and Michael are cooler on this preview than Courser of Kruphix, though.
There are just too many cards people play in Modern that beat up on Coalition Relic (often with value): Kolaghan’s Command, Abrupt Decay, and certainly Ancient Grudge! The Lantern deck’s performance in Modern recently has jut put too much of a target on artifacts, at least artifacts of this casting cost.
Still, was sweet in its time, and may yet be sweet again if and when the format shifts.
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* Abzan before it was “Abzan” if you grok.