The Scarab God Appreciation Week

The Scarab God ends games quickly
Even here, The Scarab God is just a remarkable threat. After all, it is a 5/5 creature for five mana to start. Killing The Scarab God is a challenge, to say the least. The other two lines of text are as good as they are anywhere.
The Scarab God against Gate to the Afterlife
One of the big incentives to The Scarab God right now is its ability to interact with God-Pharaoh’s Gift type decks.
Whether on its own or in concert with Kalitas, The Scarab God puts tremendous pressure on the opponent’s graveyard. Consequently, the opponent might never have six creatures in his graveyard, say.
What should you steal? And when?

Angel of Invention is one of the best cards you can reanimate.
Depending on your archetype, The Scarab God might want to reanimate Trophy Mage. Trophy Mage in the current Standard only has the purpose of finding Gate to the Afterlife (which, in turn, only has the job of setting up God-Pharaoh’s Gift)… This not only gives you potential redundancy but can keep your deck strong through the mid-game, even through multiple copies of Abrade.
The Scarab God needs no help
Mike speculates you might want to play Strategic Planning to help fill your graveyard.
Patrick cautions that the god needs little help in filling your own graveyard. The creature, remember, is huge and next to impossible to kill! The Scarab God will typically do fine just reanimating whatever the opponent gives you for targets (though he concedes that getting the big five itself into the graveyard for purposes of Liliana reanimation might be nice).
The two riff on a potential new B/U deck, based on Patrick’s GP Denver Grixis build.
This podcast covers many additional topics… Everything from Brad Nelson’s continued dominance of Standard (this time with Temur Emerge) to the U/R Advanced Stitchwing deck, to speculation about post-rotation deck archetypes. Check it out now!