The Deadliest Uses for Hostage Taker

Hostage Taker
Some cards are just better than the others. Hostage Taker is already one of the best.

Actually… Make that Better than the Best

Brainstorm. Fact or Fiction. Oath of Druids.

Vampiric Tutor. Hermit Druid. Upheaval.

The Top 8 of Pro Tour Houston 2003 sounds like the love child of the Banned and Restricted List and a general rundown of the best spells from almost any format. But the best card of the era? Believe it or not?

Faceless Butcher.

Faceless Butcher!

Faceless Butcher
Weird, right?

A four-of in Mono-Black Reanimator and a key bullet in The Rock’s sideboard, Faceless Butcher was a cast-able answer to everything from a mid-range All-Star like Spiritmonger to a combo-riffic 20/20 Cognivore.

Hostage Taker is like Faceless Butcher… But way, way, better. It has the same basic ability, but offers the opportunity for a three-for-one upgrade (rather than just two-for-one).

Five Mana: The New “Splinter Twin” Combo

How are you supposed to deal with The Scarab God? A Fatal Push? Ask it to Walk the Plank? Stockpile a bunch of energy and hit it with Harnessed Lightning?

None of those seem like very good solutions to The Scarab God.

What about removing it from game?

Hostage Taker seems like a great way to deal with The Scarab God… Only that 2/3 body isn’t exactly durable. Every Abrade and Lightning Strike (plus like half the Fatal Pushes) will kill it.

… Unless you make it hexproof or something. So that’s why, Sultai!

Blossoming Defense
Hostage Taker + Blossoming Defense is like peanut butter and chocolate.
When you put Hostage Taker and Blossoming Defense together, you can — for sake of argument — exile the opponent’s The Scarab God (which you would probably have to do to win, anyway)… And catch your breath for one mana. All you need to do is get the untap and that The Scarab God can be yours! You will be the unbeatable mage!

A great solution to a certain supposedly “indestructible” red God, Hostage Taker is nevertheless quite vulnerable to a Red Deck’s many point removal spells. Blossoming Defense is equally useful here while you bide your time for the untap.

Hostage Taker: Taking Hostages Here, There, Everywhere

Sultai ruled the day at the first Standard Open of the season… But who knows just how far the long shadow of Hostage Taker may loom? God Pharaoh’s Gift decks seem to be leaning towards the black and blue of Esper. There might be an honest to god Pirates deck hiding in the metagame. Poor dinosaurs! It’s gotta suck to have such great creatures… Only to have to deal with them yourself when The Scarab God and Hostage Taker are across the table.

More on Hostage Taker’s meteoric rise (and the rest of the opening weekend of Ixalan Standard) right here:

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