Anointed Procession Makes the Next Infinite Combo

It might not look it at first glance, but Anointed Procession is going to enable infinite everything.
Sensei’s Diving Top – Banned in Legacy!
“Sensei’s Divining Top gets no hat tip from me. There are very few cards — probably zero in the history of Magic — that have cost as many human lifetimes as Sensei’s Divining Top.”
-Patrick Chapin
Patrick and MichaelJ open on a tearful* goodbye to Sensei’s Divining Top. While the Top has drawn some bad press due to eating up the clock in recent years, there is no denying its contribution to a number of impossibly inventive decks. Cards from Kodama’s Reach to Shrapnel Blast to Counterbalance have all reached the top of the metagame.
Speaking of Banned Cards…
What will be obvious to you listening to this podcast is that the boys recorded “Anointed Procession Makes the Next Infinite Combo” before this week’s last minute addendum to the Banned and Restricted list.
So yes, Patrick does a little Felidar Guardian + Liliana brewing… But there are still lots of other great nuggets in this episode (we think).
For instance:
Going Infinite with Anointed Procession
Anointed Procession + Eldrazi Displacer + Drowner of Hope is an infinite combo.
How does this work?
With Anointed Procession on the battlefield, Drowner of Hope will make four 1/1 tokens rather than just two.
It costs three total mana to activate Eldrazi Displacer; three mana will blink Drowner of Hope, putting the aforementioned four tokens into play. That means that you can net one token per cycle (again assuming Anointed Procession is there).
This combination gives you as many Icy Manipulators as you would like… Except they can also attack for infinite damage.
The advantage of this combination is that Eldrazi Displacer and Drowner of Hope are actually “good cards” rather than just combination pieces. After all, even if Anointed Procession is not part of your equation, Drowner of Hope is seven power across three bodies for “just” six mana.
Even without the Eldrazi, Anointed Procession is a surprisingly effective card.
How interested would you be in Nissa, Voice of Zendikar into this enchantment? Making two 0/1 Plant tokens per activation seems like a heck of a defense. How about good old Gideon, Ally of Zendikar and Anointed Procession at the same time? Did the best card of the previous format get even better?
We shall see!
Put another way, if your deck is full of token makers, Anointed Procession will increase the impact of one and all.
No, this podcast is not mostly about this cool new combo. There is also Patrick’s argument that Zombies will be Tier One, Mike’s continued love of cycling, and of course some misplaced metagaming around Felidar Guardian.
Give “Anointed Procession Makes the Next Infinite Combo” a listen now:
* Okay maybe not that tearful in Patrick’s case.