Approach of the Second Sun at Pro Tour Ixalan
Approach of the Second Sun
Patrick is coming to us straight from Pro Tour Ixalan this week! He played a new take on R/W Approach of the Second Sun with Sunbird’s Invocation, but more mana and fewer expensive spells.
The Pro Tour is lousy with Temur Energy (and Four-color Energy, and Sultai Energy)… But that just gives it structure to attack! Patrick’s approach to Approach seems thought-provoking now, and sounds like it will be influential moving forward. Most opponents have many “dead” cards in Game One. Imagine the B/U Control opponent who cycles through his entire deck with Search for Azcanta only to find… There is nothing to find.
Or the Energy deck (or any deck, really) that doesn’t kill you fast enough… Can they stop you from playing your Approaches?
Well… Sometimes 🙂
Give it a listen: