Growth Spiral and Our First Look at Ravnica Allegiance

Growth Spiral is one of the strongest Ravnica Allegiance cards we’ve seen so far
Ravnica Allegiance Spoilers Are Upon Us!
We go over some of the new mechanics from Ravnica Allegiance, including…
- Afterlife – Or, the one where you make a 1/1 flyer when your dude dies
- Spectacle – Or, the one where you can pay a different cost for your dude as long as you’ve done some damage this turn
Spectacle in particular can go a couple of different ways. For example, Light Up the Stage discounts a “red Divination” from 2R to R. Some costs get more expensive (but give you more oomph). For instance Rix Maadi Reveler is a 2/2 for 1R. Its spectacle cost is actually higher at 2BR… But you get up to three times the card advantage.
Is that worth a splash of black?
But for now… We think it’s Growth Spiral!
There are some big clunky threats.
There are some cards that might be relevant (but might either be too much work or just too expensive).
And then there is Growth Spiral…
As an “instant speed Explore” we expect this card to be a paradigm shifter for decks that can cast it. They can hold back for Essence Scatter or Syncopate on turn two… But if the opponent doesn’t walk into their permission, they can go straight to four on turn three.
Oh, and it draws a card!
Check it out in this week’s podcast: