Terror of the Peaks – Fair… and Not!
Who’s Afraid of Terror of the Peaks?

… Maybe you should be!
Let’s break it down…
Terror of the Peaks is a 5/4 flying Dragon for five mana. It’s comparable to many other Constructed-playable Dragons.
But unlike many of them, it has a built-in defensive capability. They might get your Terror of the Peaks, but you give them a Lava Spike back.
If they don’t deal with it, though? Terror of the Peaks can be a true terror for the opponent! Not only will it not take long to kill the opponent “naturally” with five power and evasion, other considerations can close the kill super fast… Or even in just one turn.
For the “fair” take on Terror of the Peaks, look for this card to show up in Gruul as a straight swap to start.
What if You Weirdly Had this Spider?

“I didn’t like Gruul Spellbreaker anyway.”
Sporeweb Weaver is a pretty good creature on the merits. It’s a tenacious defender for its cost; and can put the big hurt on both Mono-Blue and Mono-Red Aggro.
So… Pretty good card; devastating in some matchups.
But how does this card go with Terror of the Peaks?
Putting it All Together

So you’ve got a Terror of the Peaks on the battlefield.
You play Sporeweb Spider. Ting for one!
Now you play a Selfless Savior. Trigger your Dragon, targeting Sporeweb Spider. In response, sacrifice Selfless Savior to give Sporeweb Spider indestructible.
Now when you finish resolving the ting on Sporeweb Spider, you can make a 1/1 and get other triggers. The new creature also gives you a Terror of the Peaks trigger. Target your 1/4 again; rinse and repeat.
Since your Spider is indestructible, you can do this as much as you want, gain essentially infinite life, make infinite power, and finish off with a point on the opponent.
In sum: Terror of the Peaks is great fair… And might be something else entirely when infinite or unfair.
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