Going Deep into the Strixhaven Previews
Some Assorted Strixhaven Previews…
Will it be good?
Deeply, deeply, mediocre?
Great against control? Or embarrassing against control in a world word where it coexists with Yorion, Sky Nomad?
There is no way to know just yet… But our hosts, at least for now, have not reached consensus.
Let’s look at some big “Boros” cards from Lorehold
Imagine a deck that hunkers down with big Planeswalkers or seeks to control the midgame.
Might the red-white Elder Dragon Velomachus Lorehold be productive as the biggest of the big?
“What did you think you were going to get for seven mana?”
Probably if you’re going to dig seven deep, there is going to be something waiting there you might want to cast. That “something” might be regular cards; or, in one host’s opinion… If you’re playing Velomachus Lorehold, you’re probably playing weird cards to exploit its presence.
Notably, neither Lightning Helix nor Warleader’s Helix actually has lifelink. So, if you’re going to stretch far enough into the instants of red-white’s past, there is some extra synergistic spice waiting for you!
This is a card that, if it’s going to be good, it’s going to be really good because of that lifelink ability. Think a Pyroclasm of sorts. Your Radiant Scrollweilder will live; the more guys they have, the more lifelink is going to make it look good. But even non-creature heavy decks are going to have to respect its ability to procure extra cards, even when you can’t pick and choose.
Valentin, Dean of the Vein from the Strixhaven Previews
This card is spectacular… Especially for one mana.
On its face, Valentin, Dean of the Vein is comparable to Healer’s Hawk. Sure, menace is a little worse than flying… But it also doesn’t have to share Standard with Goblin Chainwhirler.
Valentin can be sweet on one; and if they don’t kill it, it’s probably going to get some immediate money. Unlike Healer’s Hawk, it’s in black, meaning you can clear a path more efficiently and can set up the pest-making triggered ability. That really pushes Valentin over the gop!
Plus, if you have access to green, you can “kick” it for four mana. At which point you know you already have multiple sources of life gain in your deck.